Week Beginning 5.1.09
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At the start of our week we had a 'check-in' where we were able to tell all our friends about our holidays.

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We had to say what the best bit of our holiday was and think of something we would like to achieve in class this term.

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Our teacher set us homework for the holidays!

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We had to read something and then tell the rest of the class all about it.

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The 'Monsters' reading group have been reading 'The Hodgeheg' by Dick King Smith

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They made a model of the street scene.

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The model included all the main characters: Ma, Pa, Petunia, Peony and Max.

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The model had to be able to be used to show how to cross the road safely.

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The Monsters then demonstrated how the model worked to our class. Later they gave the same demonstration to the Primary 1 class.

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The Bunnies reading group are reading 'The Hodgeheg as well. They are setting a quiz about the book for the Monsters.

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The Cats reading group has just started to read a new book called 'The Littlest Dinosaur'.

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We found a HUGE spider in the whiteboard box this week. We all had a look then let it go outside.

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On Friday we tried out some games which the Primary 7s had been making.

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The games were great fun to play.

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We are feeding the birds every day and this rook is one of our best customers.