Week Beginning 19.1.09
week beginning 5.1.09 017

As we approach the New Moon we are still moon watching.

week beginning 5.1.09 001

Mr Miller came into our class on Wednesday to teach us some singing games.

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In art we have started to look at Orkney's birds.

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We have been creating puffin paintings.

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Some of our drawings have been really detailed.

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This week we took part in the RSPB's Big Bird Watch.

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We recorded the birds using tally marks then put the information into the national RSPB database.

week beginning 5.1.09 010

We are working towards creating a space poem and spent some time thinking about space adjectives.

week beginning 19.1.09 003

Most weeks we have ERIC time. It is a nice quiet time when everyone in the class reads.

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We investigated what astronauts need in their space suits.

week beginning 19.1.09 010

NASA's website has some great games. Google NASA's kids club if you would like to try them at home.

week beginning 5.1.09 022

We are all getting better at chess.

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We are hoping that everyone tries a new maths game during some of these sessions.

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Mrs Cromarty let us try out her new super light balls.