Week Beginning 2.2.09
week beginning 19.1.09 002

Assembly this week was all about team work.

week beginning 19.1.09 004

Mrs Rendall got two volunteers who had to eat cereal with a very very long spoon!

week beginning 19.1.09 005

We all really enjoyed it!

week beginning 19.1.09 007

This week we have had the first week of a chess and draughts tournament.

Friday 6 002

We were learning how to play traffic lights with Mrs Cromarty and Mrs Towsey.

Friday 6 003

Some of us made some really good shapes.

Friday 6 008

Handwriting this week was learning how to do a joined up 's'. It was really hard.

Friday 6 009

We had a little bit of snow and made the best of it at playtime - this was an igloo made by some of the P4 boys.

Friday 6 014

Sometimes we do 'Show and Tell' where we can tell the rest of the class about something which interests us or that we have been doing out of school. This week we heard about dancing exams and someone with a real enthusiasm for Ancient Egypt.